🌳 Your first step towards Sustainability | The Smart Business Card. 🌳

About Us

Genic Cards believe in forming in enhancing relationships. Of course, people and businesses are more than just the information reflected on their name cards, and in this case, we have created a way to allow them to showcase who they really are with our Genic Cards.

The basic instinct of humans is to connect – as we know, when we know about each other, it will automatically make it easier to find the commonalities that will strengthen our relationship.

Our mission – Our team works with a mission to make Genic products the best version of smart digital business cards and the most fuss-free review technology for businesses to minimize the need for physical business cards and effort to ask for reviews.

Experience the Future of Networking with Three Simple Steps!

  • Purchase your Genic Products
  • Create your profile to share or link your URL
  • Share your details with one quick tap or get reviews left with a simple tap

Make a change with GenicCards

Team Members


Team Members

Team Members


Taps, shares, scans

Connected users


Connected users

office Locations


Office Locations

Get started today
A New Way to Build Business Networks

The genic smart business card is equipped with NFC technology that makes it easier for you to connect with many people with just one tap.
